Primary education : started in St. Julius School Ntinalah Akum Bamenda and finished in Ecole Notre Dame des Sept douleurs in Douala 1972 (CEPE);
Secondary education: Lycée Joss of Douala Bonanjo crowned by the BEPC, the Probatoire and the Baccalaureat A4 (Philo-lettres);
University education: Faculty of Laws and Economics of the University of Yaoundé crowned with the LLB (HNR), LLM, DEA and doctorate 1979-1982-1990 (thesis) private law (TB);
- Budgetary and Financial Management in the Public Sector, Harvard University John F. KENNEDY School of Government USA (2000);
- United States General Accounting Office International Auditor Fellowship Course (Clarke fellow 1988) Washington DC.
- Recruited into the Public Administration on the 17th of June 1983;
- Senior Lecturer of State Universities, Audit Senior Officer, State Controller, Chief of Brigade, Chief of Section, State Inspector, Chief of Division, Chief Internal Auditor (Inspector General) ;
- Officer in charge of the Justice Sector at the National Programme on Governance (NPG);
- Board Chairman of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Cameroon;
- Elected member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Global;
- Secretary General of the NCPBM;
- President of Tenders Board;
- Officer of the National Order of Valor.