NCPBM President Commends Members for Marvelous Job done in 2022

December 22, 2022

It was at one of the magnificent halls of the Yaounde Conference Centre that members of the Commission met in their second biannual session for 2022.The December 15th, 2022 session which was the thirteenth since the creation of the Commission was devoted to the evaluation of the activities carried out in 2022 and project into 2023.

In this light, the President of the Commission, H.E. Peter Mafany Musonge lauded the efforts put in by the members to achieve the positive results recorded in 2022.  He cited the successful fieldwork undertaken, first to some public and private entities based in Yaounde, and then, to the Regional and Local Authorities of the ten Regional headquarters of the country, to monitor the national policy on the promotion of official languages in these entities.

Another major achievement of 2022 was the new communication campaign against hate speech and xenophobia that was carried out on the very high instructions of the Head of States.

The Commission also signed a memorandum of understanding with fourteen civil society organizations to spearhead the fight against these scourges. H.E. Peter Mafany Musonge noted that “This ground-breaking event that took place at the NCPBM headquarters on the 24th of May 2022, enabled our institution to take the fight against these scourges to a wider audience. The reports received from the field, so far in this regard, are quite encouraging”.

In 2022, the NCPBM also had greater visibility through its remarkable presence at the 2022 Government Action Fair. The President of the Commission said, SAGO 2022 served as forum for the NCPBM to make itself better known to the public.

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